Saturday, March 18, 2006

I poke girls

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I've been criticized for drawing girls lately, I just get anal when I have to draw them. Cause I want them to come out at the least looking like a girl(At the most looking like the person, but I figure that never happens anyway). But I think panel 3 is the best looking one. But eh.

V for Vendetta was awesome. Ironically we were talking about the inspiration for V, Guy Fauske, at the library today when I said I was going to see it tonight. The opening of the movie talks about him and shows his story. I recommend you go see it. Hell I might even go see it again (OH MY GOD). Haha.

Well talk to you guys later.

"Wouldn’t you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love"
(Groovy Kind of Love, Phil Colins)

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