Sunday, April 30, 2006

Manic Magee &Fascinating

Cause I couldn't post yesterday here it isPhotobucket - Video and Image Hosting

and here's today

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Ahh, lazy sundays. It's truely my favorite day of the week. Where I can relax and get little things done. It's sweeeeeet. Hehe.

I'M NOT PICKING AT IT!!!! I'm just looking intently. The scabs are starting to come off, starting worrying if the lines won't be thick enough or that it'll go away completely, but everybody assures me that it'll look fine. Grandma didn't like it, her jaw dropped when she looked at it. She doesn't like tattoos, she asked if I was trying to be with the "in" crowd. I assure you all I'm not. Grandpa just said whatever.

Happy lazy sunday. Later.

"If I promise to go to church on Sunday. Will you go with me on Friday night? If you live with me, I'll die for you and this compromise."

(Church On Sunday, Green Day)

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