Sunday, January 25, 2009

I ended up using knives


We celebrated early yesterday by throwing our annual Winter-een-mas day of gaming. There were problems getting started and some later but eventually the day was filled with Halo 3, rock band 2 and scene it. I also introduced some to Left 4 Dead.

As for the comic the title explains the rest of the story. I played with the handles so I wouldn't cut Fitz's drums. Luckily they were just butter knives so I was fine. And it comforted me that someone else played drums with the knifes too.

I close with a Thanks to Miguel, Jesus, Fitz, Dave and Chris for a fun day.

Keep your pants on Dave I'll get to it tomorrow.

And for the who's the daddy comic there is a part two which will come after that.

"One of these days I swear I'm gonna get out. 'Til then your love is a mutt from hell that I can't live without."
(Love Is a Mutt From Hell, Wheatus)

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